Thursday, August 25, 2005

MBA - A week later

Hello Everybody,
it's been 8 days since I started the MBA. It's the first day I get to post anything because it's been like crazy and sorry but I'll be writing in English only for two reasons, one because I think everybody that reads my blog understands it, and second because I need to practice my english writing.
OK, now to business.
It's been a great and very interesting week. Not so much for the academical side of it but for all the people I've met.
Let me say briefly that we haven't officially started classes yet, so we've been having these workshops, lectures, orientations, etc...mostly introductions to different subjects such as accounting, strategic management, group dynamics, etc and several introductions to services provided by the University and the MBA, last but not least we've spent plenty of "social" hours like meeting our classmates, second year students and staff from GWU which I think it's the most important thing here.

What can I say about my classmates, to start with let me tell you that we are 76 in the generation (MBA Candidates for 2007 that is) split in two Cohorts (one is called G and the other is called W - the one that I belong to) and within those cohorts they've assigned us to a study group of 6 or 7 people (mine is 6).
More than half are from the US, but the rest come from countries such as: Morocco, France, Belgium, Macedonia, Greece, Taiwan, China, Japan, Corea, India, Canada, Brazil, Colombia, PerĂº, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Pakistan, Turquey and I'm sure I'm forgetting some country, I apologize for that.
Getting to know these people has been one of the most interesting things I've ever done. There's much to learn about their cultures, their countries, their ways, etc. This is why I chose GWU and I'm convinced I made the right choice. I hope that in time I get to tell you about some classmates, but now I can't get into details.

Today I met my mentor, his name is Brandon and he is from Taiwan, he is a great guy and we got along very well. I think we can be of great help to each other. He founded a software company in Taiwan 5 years ago so hopefully he can give me plenty of tips when I embark in such enterprise.

I'm a little worried about the amount of information that we receive each day whether it is on presentations, e-mails or handouts of things to read, it's overwhelming actually. I hope to get along with it and learn how to cope it. Classes haven't even started yet!!!

For now this is it people, I hope you liked what you read and don't get bored by it.

I'll be in touch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mate... estoy seguro que tu MBA, va a ser una experiencia inolvidable!!!
Good Luck!!